
LS Retail 17. Feb 2016 Fullt starf

We are seeking a highly organized person to test the software designed and developed by one of our product teams. LS Retail provides world-leading software solutions and services for retail and hospitality companies. Our pipeline has many exciting projects for our team, both domestically and abroad, so we are seeking talented people to join us for these interesting times ahead.

Essential education and qualifications:
• Bachelor’s Degree is an advantage
• Experience of working in, or with software development teams is an advantage
• Knowledge and experience of testing software is an advantage
• Experience of automated testing is an advantage
• Organized practices
• Good collaboration skills
• Good communication and English skills

For further information please contact Evyndur Tryggvason, Consulting Manager Europe (eyvindur(at)lsretail.com) by e-mail.

The closing date for applications is February 29.

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