Robotics expert / Electrical Engineer

We are looking for an Electrical Engineer or Robotic expert to work on the next generation of satellites, a swarm of fully autonomous drones, SVARMSAT that will be capable of landing on moving buses and map the surface of earth in near real-time.
You can participate in sensor integration and communication, embedded systems, prototyping, simulations, low level programming, computer vision, sensor fusion and more.
Relevant skills:
- Embedded Systems
- Cameras and computer vision
- PCB design and prototyping
- Programming (Python, C++, ROS, AWS)
- Robotic and software simulation
- Sensor fusion
About Svarmi
By building disruptive aerial technologies, including SVARMSAT; the first drone-as-a-satellite, Svarmi provides data solutions for environmental and infrastructure monitoring. We help our clients make better decisions and measure their progress towards ambitious operational and ESG goals, using drones, satellites, artificial intelligence and human expertise.
Sækja um starf
Deadline for application submission is November 18th, 2021. All applications and associated attachments, including CV, motivational letters, letters of recommendation, shall be submitted via email to with the email subject of: Robotics expert / Electrical Engineer job application