Hugbúnaðarverkfræðingur / Software Engineer – Computer vision, image processing, neural networks and deep learning

Hugbúnaðarverkfræðingur – tölvusjón, myndgreining og (djúp)tauganet
Valka leitar að sérfræðingi í tölvusjón til að ganga til liðs við sterkan hóp sem er sérhæfður í sjálfvirkum lausnum fyrir framleiðslu sjávarafurða. Vörur okkar hjálpa sjávarútvegsfyrirtækjum að hámarka afköst og nýtingu og stuðla þannig að sjálfbærri nýtingu auðlinda og framúrskarandi fiskiðnaði á Íslandi. Við leitum að liðsfélaga sem hefur djúpa þekkingu á leiðandi aðferðum í tauganetum og tölvusjón sem og þekkingu á C ++ og C # sem núverandi hugbúnaður Völku byggir á. Viðkomandi mun vinna náið með hópum sem þróa notendaviðmót, iðnstýringar og samskipti við myndgerðarbúnað.
Valka is looking for an experienced computer vision engineer to join its team responsible for automated seafood production solutions. We help the seafood industry optimize utilization of wild-caught and farmed fish thereby contributing to sustainability and food safety. The successful candidate has deep knowledge of the major software tools applied in industry-leading computer vision applications, as well as expertise in C++ and C# utilized in Valka’s existing software. The candidate will work closely with our user interface team and automation hardware team responsible for a wide range of image capture equipment utilized in Valka’s products, ranging from traditional high-speed video cameras to hyper-spectral and x-ray detectors.
Work with team leader, project managers and sales team to document customer needs and translate into specifications, functional requirements and budgets for production systems.
Participate in developing project plans, identify project challenges and monitor project milestones
Implement Image Processing, Computer Vision and Deep Learning solutions, including unit tests
Deliver production-ready solutions ready for commercial realease into demanding food industry markets
Help translate market and customer requirements into new product ideas for future development
Work with our mechanical and electrical design team in ensuring optimal system integration
Characterize systems through experiments and simulations to optimize design and understand performance variability arising from detailed design, models and libraries
Contribute to writing of product documentation and instructions
Required skills
Solid knowledge of theory and implementation of Image Processing, Computer Vision and Deep Learning
Excellent programming skills, expert domain knowledge in C#/C++/Rust
Experience with Python, TensorFlow, MXNet or other deep learning frameworks
Knowledge on Convolution Neural Network (CNN), Popular network architecture in the Computer Vision domain
Experience with GPU computing using OpenGL/OpenCL/CUDA
Education & experience
MSc in Computer Science/Engineering, or a related field, or BSc and 3+ years of professional software development experience
Familiarity with recent developments in the Computer Vision field
Experience on computer vision projects for product or publication including illumination, cameras, etc.
Interests in industry applications of Computer Vision
Responsible, reliable and able to tailor solutions to customers’ needs and requests.
Ability to document results and communicate to coworkers and customers in English in a proficient and professional manner.
Ívar Meyvantsson, Director of Product development
About Valka
Valka is a fast growing, international, hi-tech company in the automated fish-processing industry. Founded in 2003, our sole focus has been on developing innovative and progressive solutions with the aim of maximizing raw material yield, product quality and price, while minimizing waste.
Valka’s continued success as an industry leader in its field is built on the innovation, knowledge and skills of our outstanding employees. We are highly committed to create and maintain a modern, progressive and cohesive workplace, in which employees are able to do outstanding work in a stimulating, supportive and friendly environment.
We are constantly searching for exceptional people in the fields of computer science, engineering, mechanics and electricity to join us in our quest for excellence. We put the utmost emphasis on a culture of equality and especially encourage women to apply with us.
Video: 2020 Innovation award
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