Gagarin Junior & Senior Developer Positions

Hi! We’re Gagarin and we create award winning interactive experiences for museums and exhibitions.
We are about to create a reusable core on-top of Unity3d to tell polished map based stories effectively and efficiently. We’re looking for talented people to join our new Platform Team full time on-site in our Reykjavik office.
Ideal candidate
- Strong software architecture skills
- Able to balance productivity in the short and long term
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Having experience with Unity3d, being familiar with 3d graphics and shaders is a plus.
A bit more about Gagarin
We believe active participation and play are the best ways to learn. We immerse ourself in topics to be able to spark interest in them. Among the stories we’ve told are of Volcanoes, Oil and gas, Whales, Human rights, Reindeers, Renewable energy and more.
We spend a considerable amount of time on research, actively seeking out new technological platforms (e.g. VR and AR) and experimenting with new tangible interfaces to create world class user experiences.
We hope you are a life long learner and are willing to explore the opportunity of joining us.
We’re looking to adding up to two developers in the next three months.
- Senior Developer
- Junior Developer
If you are interested, please shoot me an email directly at and we’ll grab a coffee!
Sækja um starf
If you are interested, please shoot me an email directly at and we’ll grab a coffee!