Flutter forritari

Stokkur is looking for a talented App Developer that is looking for a fun work environment and challenges! If your goal is to create the App of the year 2021 and every year after that, you are exactly the person we are looking for.
The job involves
Create new and maintain existing apps written in Flutter
Help maintain the CI setup for our apps
Education and qualification requirements
B.Sc. in computer science or in equal field
Minimum 2-5 year experience in app development
Experience with Flutter
Professional work ethics
Exceptional communication skills
Initiative, reliability and ambition
Ability to speak and write professional english
Fun and family-friendly work environment
Talented colleagues
Good office space in the heart of Reykjavík
Flexible work hours
Diverse and challenging projects
Possibility to work remotely
Stokkur’s tech stack
Web: React, EmberJs, PHP
iOS Apps: Swift, Objective-C, Flutter
Android Apps: Java, Kotlin, Flutter
Backends: Java, Kotlin, Spring Boot
Databases: mySQL
Hosting: Google Cloud, Kubernetes, Docker
Sækja um starf
Umsóknarfrestur er til 15.sept 2021. Nánari upplýsingar veitir Árdís Björk Jónsdóttir, ardis@stokkur.is