Are you a fearless developer?

INTRAZ 15. Jan 2013 Fullt starf

We are looking for one core team member to lead development.

We basically are looking for a top notch and open-minded programmer that will conquer anything we throw at him.

  • If you think you can tackle some Embedded Application programming then we like you.
  • If you have played with systems that will automatically update to newer versions of firmware, then we like you even more.
  • If you have ever heard of ZigBee or sensor-networks or “Internet of things” then we need to talk, like ASAP.
  • … and if you lay awake at nights and dream about REST, WebSockets, or other network based API interfaces, then what are you waiting for!

We are a start-up and need you as our fourth commander. We are all experienced IT guys with 5 to 20 years experience. Our product idea was selected as the number one project and business case at Innovation Center last year and received a full-house rating of 10. Funding is already well under way and we expect full-funding & project kick-off in Q2 2013 and delivery of our minimum viable product a year later.

Co-Founder / shareholder / stakeholder status applies to this position.

Take a look at our teaser website. We know it’s lame, but it explains what we are about.

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