C++ programmer
Kúla is looking for a person with experience in C++ for finalizing our software using C++, OpenCV and Qt.
Kúla Inventions Ltd. is developing a 3D extension for cameras, enabling 3D photography with normal cameras. Kúla’s software processes stereoscopic images and outputs them on a standard 3D format such as MPO, JPS and anaglyph.
Kúla Inventions Ltd. is a startup company founded in 2011 and is being funded by the Icelandic Technology Development fund, Tækniþróunarsjóður. We are located at the NMI innovation center in Lækjargata among many other startup companies where the spirit is high 🙂
Some background in mathematics, computer and electrical engineering or computer science would be advantageous.
If you have any experience in C++ please don’t hesitate to send your application.
Please send your job application and CV to job@kulainventions.com.
We look forward to hear from you. Kind regards Íris Ólafsdóttir, CEO